Anagrams (Bonus)
Give two strings, write a function to determine if the second string is an anagram of the first. An anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema, formed from iceman
Give two strings, write a function to determine if the second string is an anagram of the first. An anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema, formed from iceman
implement a function called, areThereDuplicates which accepts a variable number of arguments, and checks whether there are any duplicates among the arguments passed in. You can solve this using the frequency counter pattern OR the multiple pointers pattern.
Write a function called countUniqueValues, which accepts a sorted arrray, and counts the unique values in the array, and counts the unique values in the array. There can be negative numbers in the array, but it will always be sorted
Write a function called findLongestSubstring, which accepts a string and returns the length of the longest substring with all distinct characters.
Write a function called isSubsequence which takes in two strings and checks whether the characters in the first string form a subsequence of the characters in the second string. In other words, the function should check whether the characters in the first string appear somewhere in the second string, without their order changing.
Write a function called maxSubarraySum, which accepts an array of integers and a number called n. The function should calculate the maximum sum of n consecutive elements in the array
Write a function called minSubArrayLen which accepts two parameters - an array of positive integers and a positive integer.
Write a function called averagePair. Given a sorted array of integers and a target average, determine if there is a pair of values in the array where the average of the pair equals the target average. There may be more than one pair that matches the average target.
Write a function called sameFrequency. Given two positive integers, find out if the two numbers have the same frequency of digits.
Write a function called same, which accepts two arrays. This should return true if every value in the array has it's corresponding value sqared in the second array. The frequency of values must be the same.
Write a function called Sum Zero, which accepts sorted array of integers. This function should find the first pair where the sum is 0. Return an array that includes both values that sum to zero or undefined if a pair does not exist.